Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can I borrow that?

As I was flipping through the pages of Ginnifer Goodwin
on's forum, I couldn't help but sort of get..
jealous! Dress after dress, look after look, I was thinking, I want
that! I want to borrow that! I want to have somewhere to wear
that! Yes, I have been stuck in my everyday 'fuck its too cold' ensemble: 
Black skinnys & an oversized flannel. Winter gets me stuck in this 
fashion rut. So Thank You Ms. Goodwin, you reminded me that there
is such a thing called dressing up & feeling confident. 

I have been stuck in more than just a fashion
rut lately. I truly am a lost 22 year old. Im starting
to ask myself more and more "What do I want to be
when I grow up?"

Well I officially graduate and grow up in less than
3 months. Pardon my french again, but, fuck thats


  1. don't be scared...the world is yours!!!

    p.s. Ms. Goodwin is a Tennessean!!

  2. oooo i love the flowery dress and the last look. that is what i'd wear if i wasn't 40lbs too fat and at all fashionable. ;] don't worry about careers, lara, because when i'm done with the skinnying myself crap i'll hire you as my stylist. but seriously, i am a lost almost-26-year-old. and THAT is scary. :(


take a bow