Sunday, December 28, 2008

I need to sleep!

But I will blog instead. quickly. 
I ended up spending the rest of my lazy sunday at
my dear friend Illian's store. I will blog eventually
about her store. Its vintage mens and women along 
with records and many treasures. After she closed the
shop we walked across the street to my favorite little
nook, Walter Foods. I will eventually blog about Walter
Foods as well, once I get an actual reader or two, ha. Its
so good! The food-the drinks. One of my favorite dishes
yet has to be the:

bread pudding! so good. I'll save a blog dedicated to Walter
Foods for another day. (Its on Grand between Roebling
& Driggs in Williamsburg,
Today was super warm for the end of December in NY. Infact
it was two degrees away from the record of 65. I knew it would
be chilly later so I wore a big coat, but wore my jazz flats sock

I nagged this oversized lumberjack coat two years from
the Goodwill in Queens. It reminds of Ralph Lauren f/w
08 when I belt it. The jeans are some label I never heard 
of from Intermix and the flats are Capezio. 

My street at night on my walk home. charming & quiet.
Sometimes I wonder when I'm going to get sick of living
here. Maybe never.

Im watching Antiques Roadshow and growing a crush on
one of the hosts. Theres something about British accents.
On that note, good night!


1 comment:

  1. Aahhhh, it's indeed horrible! Hope you are now complitly good :)) Thanks :))))

    Beautiful coat btw


take a bow