Saturday, January 10, 2009

snow bunnies

The tooth pain has gone down tremendously! Thank you
for the sweet concerns. I'm actually feeling a  bit better
in general, good friends and good music can really help that.
It has been snow snow snow here! It actually looks pretty. 
I'm sure I will be grunting at it Monday morning though on my
way to midtown---first day at Paper Mag! ahh! excited. nervous.

Here are some photos of me dancing around my friends vintage
store here in Brooklyn, named Horizons. I work there, shop there,
live there practically. Its my second home. I'm sure you'll understand
why when I post a blog about it with some photos :]
I think I clearly look happier. Just wearing an oversized cream
vintage silk top with my bow tie necklace, verrry short cut off
levis, and sock man tights. The sock man has the best warm
tights in so many colors for the dreary ny winter. Of course I
mostly have black and grey tones. 

This photo came out dark but we liked the lights on the car.
The vintage coat is my latest prized posession found on Tuesday
at the salvation army for $12.99! Expect to see a lot more photos
of me in it!
Here are some so cute snuggly high fashion inspiration snow
bunnies I found through Fifi Lapins blogspot:
I hope its okay I posted these! I cant get enough of the bunnies!


  1. I know that shop!
    Bought an amazing dress there!
    Loved it!
    Will come dance with you there in March.


take a bow